Medusa Background Story
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Name: Medusa the Gorgon (DotA), Medusa (Dota 2)
Affiliation: The Dire
Type: Agility
Medusa Skills:-1. Split Shot

(such as critical strike) and Unique Attack Modifiers.
Radius: 600
Single arrow damage: 50%/60%/70%/80%
2. Mystic Snake

Jump radius: 475
Base damage: 80/120/160/200
Base mana stolen: 20/30/40/50
Number of jumps: 3/4/5/6
Damage/mana increase per jump: 25%
3. Mana Shield

Creates a shield that absorbs 50% of the incoming damage by using Medusa's mana. Damage absorbed per point of mana: 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25
4. Stone Gaze

Duration: 5
Attack speed slow: 100%
Movement speed slow: Stops movement
Damage to illusions and summoned units: 500/1000/1500
Medusa Skill/Abilities Build:
Level 1-5: Mystic Snake (Level 3) and Mana Shield (Level 2)Level 6: Ultimate – Stone Gaze
Level 6-12: Max Mystic Snake, Max Mana Shield, Stone Gaze (Level 2), take Level 2 Stat attributes.
Level 13-15: Take Split Shot (Level 3)
Level 16-25: Max Split Shot, Stats and take Stone Gaze (Level 3)
Medusa Item Build
Recommended Items:- Power Treads / Magic Stick / Perseverance / Ring of Basilius / Wraith Band
- Shadowblade (Lothar’s Edge)
- Linkin Sphere
- Manta Style
- Butterfly
- Monkey King Bar
- Buriza De Kanyon
- Maelstorm / Mjollnr
Medusa Strategy Guide:
Early GameBuy your items and head out to a lane. It doesn’t matter which lane that much, but be careful not to lane against heroes that can seriously disrupt early game farming. If you don’t have mana shield early game(before 6), stay back and harass passively with Mystic Snake or when enemies come forward to last hit. But with mana shield you are very tough, wear your enemies down before they wear your mana off!
Mid Game
Farm, farm, farm. Every minute is better spent farming. Cower to a tower and farm. Keep the lane to your side. Don’t ask me how to do it or don’t use a farmer! Don’t use Mystic Snake or Splitshot unless you’re intentionally pushing or going elsewhere. Do not actively go to team fights, the faster you have Manta Style the better. Once you have Manta Style however, start going to team fights while pushing when there’s none. Balance well between both. Normally your DPS is still not enough for a guaranteed victory, farm by pushing, an occasional kill in team fights and last hitting towers. Here’s where you show off your awesome team play sense!
Team Fights
Medusa deals damage much like Necrolyte and Proudmore. Necrolyte relies on Death Pulse/5 sec while Kunkka – Tidebringer/4sec. You have a 0 cooldown 0 mana Splitshot that increases your physical damage to 300% but divides it between 4 targets. For this reason I suggest turning on Splitshot at all times, you are not a good burst damage dealer nor should you try to be. Put frankly, killing/ganking is not your task. Your task is to wear them all off before they kill you one by one.
Golden rules for team fights:
- Positioning: always move in after your team fight initiators
- DPS: Splitshot on+2 illusions
- Survivability: Mana shield on!
- Surprise: A charged Magic wand saves the day
More Dota 2 Medusa updates!
Dota 2 Throne
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