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DOTA 2 Login Page Leaked | New Artwork

After a long time, We get to see another exciting preview of heroes in DotA 2, Recently, there has been a DotA 2 screenshot floating around on the internet which appears to be a DotA 2 Steam Login page.  The header image on the Login page shows the glimpse of DotA 2 heroes art, consisting 7 heroes. These are the legit artworks as they were found on DotA 2 website although it was soon taken down by Valve, A curious fan was keen enough to take a screenshot of it.

Show in Banner 7 different Heroes left to right, Mirana Nightshade (is it me or he looks like a male? WTF!), Morphling, Juggernaut, Pudge, Sand King, Nevermore/Naix and Tiny. What about you? Can you spot another hero The illustration looks indeed very neat and adorable, Valve has changed the heroes models a bit to avoid the legal issues but still we can recognize them. Also, the login screen shows an option of ‘Watch Live’, most probably it will be unveiled on Gamescom date.

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