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DOTA 2 Beta Patch Changelog (6th October, 2011)

Patch notes for DOTA 2 Beta on 6/10/2011. This weekly update enables 2 new heroes (Kunkka & Bloodseeker), several bug fixes, UI tweaks, hero voices and the most awaited AI bots support.

DOTA 2  Gameplay Changes:
- Enabled Kunkka and Bloodseeker.
- Enabled Bot Support
- Fixed some creep aggro behaviors
- Fixed Juggernaut’s Omnislash not ministunning the initial target.
- Fixed Juggernaut’s Healing Ward not having an AoE cursor.
- Fixed Critical Strikes (both Juggernaut’s and item-based) not denying correctly.
- Fixed Ion Shell being dispelled during Bladefury.
- Fixed Razor’s Static Link working on Juggernaut while he is omnislashing.
- Fixed Doom gaining a ranged attack by orb walking after eating a ghost creep.
- Fixed Dazzle’s Shadow Wave, it now properly deals physical damage, and damages magic immune units.
- Fixed Ancients not regenerating.
- Fixed Lich’s Dark Ritual being usable on couriers.
- Fixed players instantly losing vision of dying units.
- Fixed the radius of vision players get from attacking units.
- Fixed units being knocked back into trees potentially getting stuck.
- Fixed Ring of Basilius, it no longer automatically resets its toggle state on death.
- Fixed Illusions doing significantly reduced damage to buildings.
- Fixed a bug that prevented selection hitboxes from scaling along with the unit.
- Fixed a bug where creeps would over-commit to defending an allied hero being attacked.
- Adjusted juke areas around Dire Side Shop.
DOTA 2 UI Changes:
- Added support for muting voice & text chat of other players via the scoreboard.
- Fixed a bug with item combining when the courier brings items to a hero in fountain range.
- Changed how upgradable items are displayed in the shop: now all upgrade levels are shown in the combine tree.
- Upgradeable items, such as Necronomicon, now show the upgrade level in their shop tooltips.
- Added Legacy key support for Juggernaut.
- Fixed a bug where players who bought items while dead in range of the side or secret shop would have their items drop – on the ground.
- Changed secret shop item color to teal.
- Updated player slot colors.
- The player’s own minimap icon now shows their player color.
- Fixed a bug that prevented camera movement while spectating a game directly (not via DOTA TV).
- Fixed several issues with Fog of War while spectating.
DOTA 2 Visual Changes:
- Illusions in the portrait and multi-unit selection UI now show the illusion status effect.
- Vengeful Spirit’s Magic Missile is more obviously a projectile now.
- Beastmaster’s Wild Axes now flow along the ground, and are more prominent overall.
- Completed a rough pass over the Dire Secret Shop.
- Added a new custom effect for Lich’s Frost Armor.
- Lich’s Chain Frost is now more visible.
- Vengeful Spirit now has a new model and weapon.
- Added bloody footprints to Axe’s Cull effect.
- Fixed a bug that caused portraits to sometimes have missing (or extra) body parts on Heroes.
DOTA 2 Audio:
- Added more voice content to several heroes.
- Added Dire Defeat music piece

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