Affiliation: The Radiant
Type: Intelligence
DOTA 2 Puck Guide, Strategy & Builds . Loved by aggressive players everywhere, Puck is one of the best heroes for starting fights. Puck’s highly flexible skill set is useful in any situation, making Puck a great hero in both support and offensive roles. Illusory Orb functions like a regular line damage spell–yet at any point along its course, Puck can use Ethereal Jaunt to instantly teleport to Illusory Orb’s position. This makes the spell useful for both attacking and escaping. It also meshes perfectly with Puck’s offensive spell, Waning Rift. Waning Rift deals damage and silence in an area around Puck, making it the natural choice for use after an Illusory Orb and Ethereal Jaunt. Puck’s final offensive spell, Dream Coil, can be used either before or after this combo with great effect. Trapping enemies in a small area, Dream Coil forces them to remain near the target point or take damage and get stunned. Phase Shift, meanwhile, renders Puck invulnerable for several seconds–a highly useful skill on the frequent occasions when Puck ends up right in the middle of the fray. Puck is a relatively easy hero to pick up, and a highly rewarding one to master.

DotA 2 Puck Background Story:-
While Puck seems at first glance a mischievous, childish character, this quality masks an alien personality. The juvenile form of an insectoid creature that lives for eons, Pucks spends countless millennia in its childish form. So while it is technically true that Puck is a child, it will continue to be so when the cities of the present age have sloughed away into dust. Its motives are therefore inscrutable, and what appears to be play may in fact hide a darker purpose. Its endless fondness for mischief is the true indicator of Puck’s true nature.
DotA 2 Puck Skills:-
Coming Soon!
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